Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion

Tag: Critique of Diversity


Crouch, M. A. (2012). Implicit Bias and Gender (and Other Sorts of) Diversity in Philosophy and the Academy in the Context of the Corporatized University. Journal of Social Philosophy, 43(3), 212-226. (PDF)

This piece traces the development of a neoliberal ethos in the collegiate system, and how neoliberalism has worked to convert "affirmative action," which recognizes systematic inequality and injustice, to "diversity," which only acknowledges difference. Crouch thoroughly investigates the outcomes of this change, and provides an informative piece that applies both to the field of philosophy and the college at large.


McBeth, M. (2010). (Un)Standard Deviations: Observing Diversity/Enabling Divergence. WPA Writing Program Administration: Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, 33(3), 129-134. (PDF)

McBeth argues that we cannot rely on the standard categories of diversity, but must constantly reexamine what diversity is at an instructional, scholarly, and administrative level, and that diversity needs to take both the individual's rights and the claims that each community holds for the individual. This is recommended for all professors.